- Banque Populaire landing pages
- Single page apps
- Nuxt.js, Gridsome, Next.js
- Live link
I have been working on a frequently basis for Banque Populaire (a french Bank) to build custom landing pages on various topics.
These could be on the promotional type (eg: contest, events), the informative type (quick overview of a subject), or utility type (contact forms).
I build a lot of these single pages (dozens) using Vue meta-frameworks (mostly Gridsome, and a bit of Nuxt), now I have switched to React, I build them using Next.
All these small-scale projects are opportunities to improve on a specific stack. I have been testing different libraries regarding UI (Vuetify, Tailwind, Material UI), form handling (Vuelidate, Vue Formulate), image handling (Gridsome Image component, Cloundinary, next-optimized-images), animations (GSAP, Lottie, Framer-motion) and so on...
One of the major huslte are the deploy constraints (has to be IE11 compatible, has to work within an iframe, and has to be hosted on a shared hosting using Apache envs). This burden means a lot of testing time.
Lastly, I started to implement Typescript with Next, and implement E2E tests using Cypress.js regarding forms.
These pages are scattered through the official site of Banque Populaire Rives de Paris, I can't provide direct urls as they may change frequently.